![The image “http://bagnewsnotes.typepad.com/bagnews/images/Obama-Surf.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.](http://bagnewsnotes.typepad.com/bagnews/images/Obama-Surf.jpg)
Here's how this happened...
When I registered to vote at the same time I applied for my CA driver's license, it required I choose a party affiliation. Well, I think that's none of the states d@mn business, so I chose 'independent'. Well, not so smart me didn't realize that would lock me out of voting for any major party candidates for the primary, unless a party specifically allows independents to request a part ballot.
Guess what - my GOP is a closed ballot, so I am not able to render my vote for Mitt (who is my sloppy second to Thompson).
However, the state DEM party allows 'cross-voters' from the independent side on election day, so I'm getting ready to trudge to the polls to vote ABC (AnybodyButClinton). Those two cannot be allowed back in the White House.
Welcome to the dark side. I knew you were smart!!!
Anyway WTF why didn't you tell me about your blog?!! I had to snoop around Stacy's site to find it. Glad to see you are a follower just like me. :)
ABC = good
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