Victor and I are in the blissful state of new parent discombobulation. Routine? What routine?? Sleep? HUH? Both of us almost put diaper oinment on our toothbrushes (that would have been bad) and I have since moved the desitin to another part of the bathroom. Our first night at home was eventful around 3:30 in the morning. She was fed, changed, and warm -- and screaming! We didn't know what to do. I was panicking, afraid I was waking up the neighbors, and quickly moved her out to the living room. I started vigorously rocking her, and patting her back and then heard One. Tiny. Little. Sound. "Urp". She stopped crying immediately. One tiny bubble rocked our world. Now I'm much wiser...lol.
I'm learning the art of sleeping on demand when she sleeps. My dear sister Carolyn stayed up late last night to take the 1 AM feeding for me, which gave me 7 hours of sleep. She is such a lifesaver! My mom was down for almost 2 weeks starting the day before Annika was born. It was so nice to have her here for that time. She is, of course, smitten with her newest granddaughter. Carolyn is here this week and I want to thank Scout and A-Rob for loaning me their mommy. It's perfect timing, as Victor is back on a graveyard shift this week - the last for a really long time.
Here are some pictures from the last week.
What a wonderful mom and sister you have to come help you out!! Sounds like you have been blessed with a fantastic little girl. And you are getting some sleep, woo hoo!!
Annika is just beautiful. Can't wait to meet her next month. You are doing great mom!
Can I just tell you how absolutely jealous I am of you???? She's gorgeous! I'm in love. Seriously, she's too much! Congrats Kate!!! You are so blessed! :)
She really is beautiful, I thought Maddy was the most beautiful baby (mom bias, I guess) but Annika is a close second. I think if she were wrapped in a pink camo blanket it might just move her up. Well not really. :o) I am glad C is taking good care of you guys. Take advantage!!!
I love the "sleeping off the milk coma" pic....her hair in a little faux hawk....AAAAH! I can't get over how cute she is!!!!
I know, we're amazed how cute and just GOOD she is, considering her parents...lol. Thanks for the nice comments!!!
I am so glad that things are going well for you! These early days of motherhood can be "somewhat" emotional--at least, they were for me. :) But it sounds like you're doing great, and having people to lend a hand really helps, too.
Annika is a beauty! I like the milk coma, too. :)
She is just adorable! The breastfeeding takes some time...It took about 5 weeks with Gavin and a couple of weeks with Makenna. Hang in there!
So, so, happy to read this news! Congrats on your beautiful daughter. Wish I lived closer as I am sure we could spend many a day doing the baby/kid thing together....:)Would love your mailing address so I can send you something.
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